Piotr Siegoczynski

Piotr Siegoscynsky

In 1985 Piotr Siegoczynski became the first Polish kickboxer to win a world title from Poland and Eastern Europe by winning first place in semicontact fighting at the Falsoni WAKO fraction in Budapest in front of 10,000 spectators. He repeated his success at the 1990 WAKO World Championships in Mestre, Italy. Siegoczynski challenged Germany’s Michael Kuhr for his professional fullcontact World Championship belt in Mannheim Germany 1991. He lost the 10 round PKO fight that was scheduled for 10 rounds (Kuhr – Piotr Siegoczynski fight video). Together with Przemyslav Saleta, Marek Piotrowksi and Agnes Rylik he is one of the most famous active fighters of kickboxing in Poland and a true pioneer of the sport in the former East Block country.
Piotr Siegoczynski currently serves as president to the Polish kickboxing association, PZKB – WAKO’s official Polish affiliate, while still teaching classes at the Kick Center is Warsaw.

Siegoczynski fights on Youtube:
6 rounds against Dennis Sigo from Sweden