Andy Hug was a karate and kickboxing champion from Switzerland who rose to fame in Japan by winning […]
The worlds leading training authority for Japanese martial arts.
Goju-ryu grandmaster Gogen Yamaguchi is widely known as “The Cat”, the most important person in recent history of Karate-Do.
Mas Oyama is known for being one of the strongest karateka in recent history being the founder of Kyokushin Kai karate.
Minobu Miki, one of the top forms competitors during the 1970ies in the US explains the way of the sword.
1977: Benny Urquidez traveld to Japan to meet challenger Okao, an unusually big mouthed Japanese kickboxer. A legendary fight erupted.
MIYAGI, CHOJUN (1888-1953) Okinawan karate master and pioneer; founder of goju-ryu. When Miyagi was 14 he started training […]