Old school boxing coaches keep preaching about it in endless repetitions: Son, you gotta get short, non-elastic hand wraps when you want to learn how to box. While times are changing static hand wraps are still popular like in the old days. For one thing they last forever and are easy to maintain. The bandages I am reviewing here have a history of about 30 years in use. While the specs are about the same as on today’s Everlast website, the design and quality may have changed marginally, but the product has remained the same more or less.

Static bandages are made from strong cotton. For those who like to hook them in with their thumb and fasten with a loop it’s a piece of cake, but don’t let the robust material fool you. It requires taping with coach tape on top to stay in place while slipping into the glove and when punching. The thick layers can easily move around and cause scuffs and abrasions on the knuckles while the fist is moving around inside the glove during intense workouts. Only taping will keep the fabric firmly in position. Since the material is very thick it’s mainly fitting to real old-school boxers who don’t wrap between fingers as that may put strain on knuckles and joints. The material’s solid as it should be and may be machine washed at high temperatures while maintaining its structure and shape. This way dirt, blood and sweat are washed out and the bandages remain sanitary. You could cook them just like medical fabrics if you wanted to.
I have no idea how today’s model compare to my older wraps but they do look almost identical. They are lesser in width than most other manufacturers. That makes it a good choice for fighters with smaller hands. Possibly women will like them? The vintage look makes them somewhat unique compared to the modern semi-elastic handwraps sold online.