Totally, leather-free boxing gloves for children are offered in size 6 oz. It is designed for children aged 5 to 8 and suits their anatomy better than adult gear which is to bulky and heavy. Fighter 6 Oz. gloves are designed to be worn by children aged 5 to 8 with their petite hand proportions in mind. The padding is just as strong as the one for adults, offering protection from most impact related injury risks. The round front structure makes impact bounce off of targets rather than allowing to continue.

The PU surface material isn’t just vegan and environment-friendly, it is durable and a lot cheaper than leather. In addition PU is easy to wipe clean, protecting youngsters from germs and bacteria that may breed in leather gloves.
Vegan Fighter gloves can be used for sparring and partner drills in boxing, karate, kickboxing, taekwondo and similar sports. They are made to last until children grow bigger after which it is recommended to switch to 8 oz gloves until offsprings reach 120lbs as a rule of thumb.

Fighter gloves are designed by European and American fighting sports experts, product designers and experienced martial arts teachers. In the United States, Canada and Mexico vegan boxing gloves for kids are distributed by Fighters Incorporated out of Ormond Beach, Florida.