Mike Chaturantabut

Mike Chaturantabut

NASKA’s 17-and-under musical forms division has long been one of the circuit’s most exciting divisions. 15-year-old forms star, Michael Chaturantabut, a constant threat in this division, is one of the sport’s future superstars. Originally from Bangkok, Thailand, his family moved to Naperville, Illinois, just outside of Chicago, where at the age of 10 he starting training in the martial arts with John Sharkey and Steve Gross in Shorei-Ryu. Five years later, he’s becoming well known all over North America. At home the local population know him as a star on the high school tennis team and for years as an age group swimmer with a knack for winning. As a sophomore in high school he has maintained an “A” average in an accelerated program. He intends to major in business administration in college and one day manage his own karate school. Michael provides 99% of the cost of competition by working for the local newspaper three days a week. Michael quietly confided that the focus on winning was important to him, however, he had personally come to understand and value two additional dimensions of the martial arts discipline. He feels now that the lifestyle values and personal relations he has developed are just as as rewarding and desirable. Quick to acknowledge the importance of being responsible in all facets of life, Mike was voted the Sportsman of the Year for Youth in 1989.

Source: This article was originally published inside a Fighter International issue printed and published in 1990.