American karate instructor. Dillman began Okinawan kempo in 1960 with Robert Tieu at Ft. Knox, Ky., and received his black belt in this style from Charles Cant. Dillman has also studied isshinryu with Harry Smith, shorin-ryu with James Coffman, and Chinese systems with Daniel Pai. In 1973 Dillman was named one of the country’s top 10 kata competitors by Official Karate Magazine. Dillman was featured in “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not” in 1975 for a feat that made worldwide wire service coverage: He broke more than 1,000 pounds of ice for a charity function. The Ripley’s cartoon featuring Dillman’s feat appears at many Ripley’s Museums in England, Canada and the U.S.
Dillman has become famous for his seminars demonstrating the importance of pressure points as striking areas in self-defense and fighting. He is often seen on photos with other celebrities from various styles of martial arts in this context. He has graced the covers and pages of many martial arts magazines.