by David Beaver
by Charles Daniel
by David Carradine
The deity and the Sword by Risuke Otake
by Tadashi Yamashita
by Toshishiro Obata
by John Corcoran ISBN 006 2732595 Harper Perennial An amazing fountain of information about the history of competitive […]
How to use your gym equipment and other tricks of the trade. Kickboxing book by Benny “The Jet” […]
Korean Art of Self-Defense by Scott Shaw
by Chuck Merriman
by Dave Lowry
The Ultimate Self Defense System by Frank Conway and Jane Hallander
Wing Chun System and 108 wooden dummy & weaponary techniques by Stephan K. Chan
Chinese Martial Arts Series by Lin Jianhua
An outstanding American athlete who dominated point fighting and fullcontact during the late 80ies.
Bolstered by a wild new villain in the Riddler, played by Jim Carrey, and the introduction of Batman’s sidekick, Robin, “Batman Forever” also co-stars Don “The Dragon” Wilson in his first role as a villain. Wilson leads a gang of thugs that includes Michael Worth, an actor and prominent black belt, against the Caped Crusader.
Kung Fu would not be Kung Fu without David Carradine as Kwai Chang Caine. In the new syndicated weekly series, which began airing on January 20, Carradine reprises for the third time the role he made famous. In this extensive candid interview, the veteran actor reflects on the impact of the series, his years of training in kung-fu, his participation in martial arts films — and demonstrates a propensity for subtle humor, a side of himself we’ve seldom seen. Interview by Dwight Brown, published in 1996.
During the best days of WAKO and PKO, two fighters consistantly dominated the lighter divisions. One was American Troy Dorsey who was the King of -57 Kg division from 1983 until 1990 in both, semicontact and fullcontact winning WAKO world titles in London and Munich. One division up, German Michael Kuhr of Berlin won world titles and nationals in fullcontact and light contact. Both were accomplished boxers with Kuhr winning Bundesliga matches in Germany and Dorsey fighting for professional world titles in various weight divisions. It was a dream of American promoter Michael H. Anderson to match up these two great fighters.
George was a pioneer of martial arts who was unparalleled in his skills and devotion. His roots date back to the 50ies when he started training self defense based on JuJutsu, a European version of Jiu Jitsu. Driven by curiosity he observed US-American soldiers stationed in occupied West Germany training Taekwondo and Karate. He started learning this new, modern way of Oriental combat. One of the best known American instructors was Mike Anderson. George heard about Anderson’s exceptional skills and traveled to Garmisch Partenkirchen – around 700 Km south of West Berlin – every weekend to learn the art of Taekwondo. Both became friends and partners who were instrumental in changing the landscape of martial arts in Europe.
A few years back I asked my friend John Corcoran to research and write an article about the early history of Sport Karate in America. An article describing how Americans adopted traditional Asian martial arts like Karate, Tae Kwon Do or Hap Ki Do and turned them in to a competitive fighting sport, first known as: Sport Karate. This later became known as Fullcontact fighting and kickboxing as we know it today. John, who is one of the best martial arts editors and historians I know, wrote an outstanding piece of paper about this and I am happy to have found the original English language copy to post below. This is the first of 2 parts.
Men don’t fight with women, but what about if the guy has no choice and gets attacked by a martial arts champion without mercy? That is what is going to happen in a new movie recently filmed in Thailand: “White Tiger”. Don Wilson aka “the Dragon” and Cynthia Rothrock “Dragon Lady” will be crossing kicks and punches for the first time in a movie. Previously they played side-on-side in “Sci Fighter” aka “X-Treme Fighter”, but this time it’s their first real fight on screen. It’s doing to be a deadly fight and one of them will die.

Sad news: Joe Lewis passed on August 31st, 2012 after suffering from cancer. May he rest in peace. We keep you in our hearts, Joe!
It was in 2000 when I first had the opportunity to meet up with Joe Lewis, the person who became known as the first American Sport Karate Champion, first professional heavyweight World Champion and as a teacher. He is one of the most advanced instructors for self defense and combat principles that are developed to be scaled up for different demands and not just one occasion. Joe Lewis has been a mentor and idol for many martial artists. Some have had the chance to study with him over many years and call him their master while others have just met him on one or two occasions. Yet, both sort of encounters with Joe Lewis have spurred positive developments for martial artists from all over the world.